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Wild Cats of africa

(Acinonyx jubatus)
The Cheetah is pale tawny brown or grayish white above with oval black spots about 2cm - 4cm in diameter. The underside is paler, sometimes white. Some individuals have a blotched pattern, but this is rare. The coat is fairly coarse with slightly...  Read more >
(Caracal caracal)
The Caracal is an elegant cat with short reddish-brown fur on the back and sides. The chin and throat and underside are white. The Caracal has distinctive long black ears with white at the ear base, and long tufts of black fur at the tips.  Read more >
Sand Cat
(Felis margarita)
Sand Cat
The Sand Cat is a small wild cats about the size of a domestic cat. They are nocturnal cats with large ears and sensitive hearing. The ears are hairy to protect them from blowing sand. The body is covered with medium length thick fur to protect it...  Read more >
Black-footed Cat
(Felis nigripes)
Black-footed Cat
The Black-footed cat is one of the smallest species of wild cats and similar in shape to the domestic cat. The fur is brownish with a pattern of round black or dark brown spots. It has a large head relative to the body. It has two black stripes...  Read more >
(Felis silvestris)
Wildcats (or wild cats) are usually grey brown with a pattern of black stripes over the body. The fur is fairly short and soft, and the tail is bushy. They are similar in appearance and colour to a tabby domestic cat. There are several subspecies:...  Read more >
(Leptailurus serval)
The Serval is a large cat with reddish-brown fur with dark spots that sometimes merge into stripes down the back. The legs are very long relative to their body size and help them see over the long savanna grass. The head is proportionately small...  Read more >
African Lion
(Panthera leo)
African Lion
The African Lion is a large cat with short tawny brown coats with white underside. The tail is long with a black tuft at the tip. Male lions have distinctive manes. The mane develops after the male is three years old and varies from dark brown to...  Read more >
(Panthera pardus)
The Leopard is a large cat with a long muscular body and relatively short legs. The body background colour varies from yellowish brown to grey or reddish brown. The fur is marked with irregular shaped black rosettes. The chest and throat white...  Read more >